Thursday, August 31, 2006

so yesterday we had this discussion about race at my school. there was this girl there who said she hadn't spoken to a black person until she came to this college. this wouldnt have bothered me except she mentioned it about 10 times throughout the entire discussion.

she also mentioned that her grandmother was puerto rican, yet she looked white and spoke as if, because her grandmother was puerto rican, she was having her own internal racial conflicts.

Huey P Newton's grandfather was white, I wonder if he ever thought he could call himself white. (sarcasm/joke/make what you will of that statement).

I just found this all very weird.

Friday, August 25, 2006

We were discussing Jazz one time in my U.S. History class, specifically how it was created by Black America, one student said "But I never saw Jazz as created by black people, I always saw it as something that White and Black people created together", my professor just look befuddled and stared and her and told she was wrong.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

First post.

Well this is going to be my new blog. Adventures in White America. Where I will document the stupid motherfucking shit that white people say, maybe even non-white people, about issues regarding race. This will be a good read a promise.