Thursday, January 24, 2008

Old Boys' Club??

I'm a philosophy major. Yes, I know maybe I shouldn't even be surprised by the story that I am about to share. But...truthfully, I'm not surprised. So, I am currently taking a grad level philosophy class called Political Values and the topic is biomedical enhancement. Well there are 15 people in the class, three women: me, an Asian girl, and a white chick that may as well be a man. 13 men: 11 white males, 1 Asian guy, and one designer white guy from Stockholm.

Well the discussion is about genetically engineering kids. And the conversation floats to the creation of a posthuman species. Of course, the conversation goes to inequalities and how the posthuman race would treat the unenhanced race. And of course, one author in an article we read made the comment that the posthuman race would want to enslave the unenhanced race and treat them differently, as if they were simply "animals" and maybe even seek to eradicate the unenhanced ones. Every person in the room repudiates this comment...except me. Have we forgotten that in very recent human history one race decided to enslave, rape, lynch, and castrate another? Clearly they have. I haven't forgotten.

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