Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sullivan County

So I'm back home now, at least for the summer. The reasons I hate this place are made abudantly clear every time I return.

Racism from poor White people.

Racism from rich White people.

Racism from middle class White people.

Racism from Orthodox Jewish White people.

You get the point, lots of racism. I think most people ignore it up here, especially the people who it actually happends too.

So last week I noticed this hick calmly using the word "nigga" when speaking to his other white friend. He was using it in a very offensive and stupid way, like he just made a habit out of it after he started mocking Black people one day. Anyway I became spineless like I occasionally do in situations like this (usually I just blow up later), and shrugged it off and ignored it. I can never figure out what to do short of attacking the person (which I have done in the past).

He showed up for a second day of work and did it again, except this time I was lifting a heavy piece of dock and didn't get to hit him.

Then he skipped work today, hopefully that will get him fired.

Today a co-worker of mine used the term "nigger-rigging", this time I looked at him and said "what the fuck are you doing" he apologized and said he had "hoped I didn't hear that". That actually comforts me that he knew immediately after he said it that it was stupid.

This is all going to build up to a point where I have a violent confrontation. I see it coming.

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