Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why True Diversity Will Not Work!

I recently gave a speech/lecture in a so-called Diversity Learning Group in which I am a participant. My participation came by invitation through my job at the bank called Wachovia. Of course Wachovia's history itself is steeped in the slave trade so there is some irony here of course as they pursue what they deem diversity. The participants were asked to present a subject close to them, I chose a subject called, An All Too Brief Survey of the Incredible History of Woman! In this I of course traced the history of women back to the Nile Valley and Pre-Nile Valley and their contributions to the birth of civilization.

This discussion started with the idea that the Goddess concept of deity started in Africa and extended into the world. I painted a picture of the history of women and the Goddess in symbols and cultures as well as societies that operated with a Matriarchal base. I knew this would be a problem going in as men feel discomforted when the Goddess concept is brought up, needless to say the conversation became heated. At one point during my lecture a white, male christian asked a question referencing something I had said as proof of the attacks on the Goddess cultures by Patriarchial religions, which have their roots in the Aryan world. This question disrupted my process. I became engaged in a debate wherein the men protested my discussion of the sacred womb, the origins of the destruction of the Goddess concept, the male-centric, patriarchal mind and other points. None of the women protested these ideas. In fact at one point one young lady asked me for further information.

My wife in her astute analysis stated that the men were upset because my discussion uprooted there feeling of control. This control over women she stated is there source of power on the planet. Following with this line of thought I would state that any discussion on diversity in White America must fall on deaf ears as the ruling power structure cannot budge! Although I knew this it is wonderful to have evidence like this experience for proving this concept. Diversity, Multiculturalism and concepts like this cannot work in a society controlled by Aryan/White Males! It cannot work in a society founded upon the theft of land and natural resources from the First Nations, Native American population. True diversity cannot exist in a country of formerly enslaved Africans. Diversity is and will always be a farce in this country, thus in my humble opinion the only true course for the African population is to practice what Dr. John Henrik Clarke called, "...the essential selfishness of survival..."

Diversity is another ploy at pacification of the masses, and for the African-American people it is an irrelevant concept. As they discuss diversifying society, they continue to rule the planet through, fear, intimidation and murder of people of color. Aryan/White Males have power through force of will and the fire from the gun. His is a violent mind, hell bent on maintaining control by all means neccesary! Until we grasp this concept we will continuously be fooled by concepts of multiculturalism, and diversity!

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